In collaboration with AFCA (Association of Filipino Canadian Accountants), the Filipino Centre is delighted to host another FREE Income Tax Clinic event to help eligible taxpayers prepare for their returns. The approved tax clinic schedule is as follow:
Date: March 26, 2022
Time: 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM
Place: 4395 Sheppard Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1S 1T9
Register here: https://forms.gle/FF16nA75SFFUgQzf6
To register please email filipinocentreinfo@gmail.com or call 416-335-0485 and provide the following information:
Full Name
Contact No. & Email Address
**Arrival time (each client will be given 30 minutes time slot; please arrive 5 minutes before your appointed time to eliminate the waiting period and AFCA volunteers will be able to have a smooth flow of the tax clinic operations.)
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA - Individuals must have:
A. Modest Income and
the maximum thresholds for tax filers to be eligible are as follows:
Single Taxpayer - $35,000
Couple/Married - $45,000
Anything above these amounts will not be assisted by us.
B. Simple tax situation
Note that the AFCA Tax Clinic Volunteers will not prepare tax returns for deceased persons, individuals who filed for bankruptcy, self-employed and individuals with complex returns.
